#deep learning

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2 weeks ago
Data science

University of Washington AI-Powered Headphones Let Users Listen to a Single Person in a Crowd

The "Target speech hearing" algorithm allows users to enroll a speaker, cancel environmental noise, and extract the target speech from multiple speakers. [ more ]
The Drum
2 weeks ago

The need for brands to adopt flexible strategies and technology for promo periods

Consumer trends impact promo campaigns, brands need to be more flexible. Deep learning can offer a competitive edge. [ more ]
The Daily Upside
3 weeks ago
Artificial intelligence

Shopify Image Patent Highlights Convergence of AI, Advertising

Shopify filed a patent application for tuning AI-generated images to help personalize advertising visuals. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Data science

Mapping model units to visual neurons reveals population code for social behaviour - Nature

Using knockout training in deep neural network models helps understand individual neuron contributions to behavior, improving interpretation of sensorimotor transformations. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Artificial intelligence

Deep Learning Explained: How Deep Learning Works in AI (2024) - Shopify

Deep learning is a subset of AI utilizing neural networks for complex pattern recognition, impacting various sectors with applications like image recognition and language processing. [ more ]
Open Data Science - Your News Source for AI, Machine Learning & more
2 months ago
Data science

Deep Learning for Time Series Analysis: A Keras Tutorial

Building a deep learning model for time series analysis with Keras 3.0 is made straightforward with simplified steps. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
Data science

University of Washington AI-Powered Headphones Let Users Listen to a Single Person in a Crowd

The "Target speech hearing" algorithm allows users to enroll a speaker, cancel environmental noise, and extract the target speech from multiple speakers. [ more ]
The Drum
2 weeks ago

The need for brands to adopt flexible strategies and technology for promo periods

Consumer trends impact promo campaigns, brands need to be more flexible. Deep learning can offer a competitive edge. [ more ]
The Daily Upside
3 weeks ago
Artificial intelligence

Shopify Image Patent Highlights Convergence of AI, Advertising

Shopify filed a patent application for tuning AI-generated images to help personalize advertising visuals. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Data science

Mapping model units to visual neurons reveals population code for social behaviour - Nature

Using knockout training in deep neural network models helps understand individual neuron contributions to behavior, improving interpretation of sensorimotor transformations. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Artificial intelligence

Deep Learning Explained: How Deep Learning Works in AI (2024) - Shopify

Deep learning is a subset of AI utilizing neural networks for complex pattern recognition, impacting various sectors with applications like image recognition and language processing. [ more ]
Open Data Science - Your News Source for AI, Machine Learning & more
2 months ago
Data science

Deep Learning for Time Series Analysis: A Keras Tutorial

Building a deep learning model for time series analysis with Keras 3.0 is made straightforward with simplified steps. [ more ]
4 months ago

AMD and Microsoft cement relationship with cloud collaborations

Azure customers can run high intensity or AI workloads on powerful infrastructure without the need for housing or maintenance. [ more ]
5 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Truly understanding neural networks through its implementation in C#

Neural networks are a computational model inspired by the human brain that can process data inputs, recognize patterns, and make predictions.
Logistic regression is a statistical method used for binary classification problems, but it has limitations compared to deep learning. [ more ]
5 months ago
Digital life

AI Deepnets Throw Light on Ancient History

AI is being used to extract hidden knowledge from ancient artifacts and artworks
Deep learning is enabling historians to make new discoveries about art history, ancient inscriptions, and scorched scrolls [ more ]
Analytics Insight
5 months ago
Artificial intelligence

10 Must-Read Machine Learning Books for 2024

The article provides a curated list of must-read machine learning books for 2024.
The books cover a range of topics including hands-on implementation, project management, model interpretability, pattern recognition, and deep learning. [ more ]
6 months ago
Business intelligence

Microsoft Released ML.NET 3.0: Deep Learning and Data Processing Improvements

ML.NET version 3.0 introduces deep learning capabilities in Object Detection, Named Entity Recognition (NER), and Question Answering (QA).
The new version also brings substantial improvements to data processing scenarios with enhancements to DataFrame and IDataView interoperability features.
ML.NET 3.0 includes Intel oneDAL Training Acceleration for enhanced training hardware acceleration. [ more ]
RT @SpirosMargaris: Yoshua Bengio helped invent #DeepLearning.

Now he’s trying to make it #safe.

https://t.co/ETiJlRZmkV #fintech #Arti…
6 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Yoshua Bengio helped invent deep learning. Now he's trying to make it safe.

Yoshua Bengio, scientific director of Mila Quebec AI Institute, has been a leader in the field of deep learning for many years.
Bengio has expanded his focus to include societal and existential risks posed by AI progress.
He believes that the rapid progress of AI capability towards matching human intelligence could happen within a few years or decades. [ more ]
6 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Yoshua Bengio helped invent deep learning. Now he's trying to make it safe.

Yoshua Bengio, scientific director of Mila Quebec AI Institute, has been a leader in the field of deep learning for many years.
Bengio has expanded his focus to include societal and existential risks posed by AI progress.
He believes that the rapid progress of AI capability towards matching human intelligence could happen within a few years or decades. [ more ]
6 months ago
Artificial intelligence

AI tech helps in early detection of pancreatic cancer

Deep learning can accurately detect and classify pancreatic lesions using non-contrast CT scans.
This approach could potentially be used for large-scale pancreatic cancer screening. [ more ]
#transfer learning
7 months ago
Data science

Transfer Learning with TensorFlow on Intel Arc GPUs

Transfer learning is a deep learning method that allows the use of a pretrained model with a new dataset.
Intel Arc A-Series GPUs can run DL workloads quickly on PCs with TensorFlow and PyTorch models.
Using transfer learning with Intel Arc GPUs can significantly reduce training time compared to fully training the model. [ more ]
7 months ago
Data science

Transfer Learning with TensorFlow on Intel Arc GPUs

Transfer learning is a deep learning method that allows the use of a pretrained model with a new dataset.
Intel Arc A-Series GPUs can run DL workloads quickly on PCs with TensorFlow and PyTorch models.
Using transfer learning with Intel Arc GPUs can significantly reduce training time compared to fully training the model. [ more ]
7 months ago
Data science

Transfer Learning with TensorFlow on Intel Arc GPUs

Transfer learning is a deep learning method that allows the use of a pretrained model with a new dataset.
Intel Arc A-Series GPUs can run DL workloads quickly on PCs with TensorFlow and PyTorch models.
Using transfer learning with Intel Arc GPUs can significantly reduce training time compared to fully training the model. [ more ]
7 months ago
Data science

Transfer Learning with TensorFlow on Intel Arc GPUs

Transfer learning is a deep learning method that allows the use of a pretrained model with a new dataset.
Intel Arc A-Series GPUs can run DL workloads quickly on PCs with TensorFlow and PyTorch models.
Using transfer learning with Intel Arc GPUs can significantly reduce training time compared to fully training the model. [ more ]
moretransfer learning
1 year ago
NYC startup

The Weekly Notable Startup Funding Report: 6/5/23

The Weekly Notable Startup Funding Report takes us on a trip across various ecosystems in the US, highlighting some of the notable funding activity in the various markets that we track.The notable startup funding rounds for the week ending 6/2/23 featuring funding details for Deep Sentinel, Measurable, Pixxel, and fifteen\ other deals representing $772M in new funding that you need to know about.
1 year ago
Business intelligence

Dell's Project Helix heralds a move toward specifically trained generative AI

Generative artificial intelligence is at a pivotal moment.Enterprises want to know how to take advantage of mass amounts of data, while keeping their budgets within today's economic demands.Generative AI chatbots have become relatively easy to deploy, but sometimes return false "hallucinations" or expose private data.
1 year ago
Marketing tech

Artificial Intelligence: A beginner's guide | MarTech

Everyone is talking about artificial intelligence.That's understandable - after all, suddenly there are free (or cheap) tools readily available to create a variety of AI-generated content, including text and images, in an unlimited range of styles, and seemingly in seconds.Of course it's exciting.But stop for a moment and ask yourself a few questions:

Do I really know what AI is?
Do I know how long it has been around?
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